Sunday 8th September 2024

The Biohacking Benefits of Shamanic Frog Poison Kambo Ceremonies

January 13, 2024 by nocasinodomains
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Kambo is an intense experience and, according to Todd, “not for everyone.” But, it also has incredible biohacking benefits that might make the extremeKambo ceremony experience well worth it. “It’s 15 to 25 minutes of extreme discomfort for long term benefits,” Todd adds. The popularity of alternative medicine has increased greatly over recent years and continues to do so. Kambo is a traditional healing practice within many cultures, but it is still relatively new to Western societies. Many people report feeling a burning sensation throughout their bodies.

kambo healing

Kambo ceremonies usually last about an hour, sometimes more, depending on the individual. Read more about Matses Tribe here. The experience is quite intense and will cause your heart to beat faster.

Kambo Ceremony

The shaman will determine the dosage and placement of the kambo. Currently, there is no research to support the beneficial healing effects of kambo, and there is no need to cleanse the body. Regardless, further research is necessary to determine the effects, including potential dangers, of kambo on the human body. Today it is used in Shamanic Ritual, or as administered by a trained healing facilitator, to produce holistic healing of the mind, body and spirit.


There are people who’ve taken Kambo with almost none of the purgative effects, with nausea and vomiting being the most frequently experienced. The shaman will burn tiny holes into the top layer of your skin using a vine or sometimes an incense stick, then gently scrape the area before applying the Kambo dots. Sometimes referred to as gates, the burns help the Kambo enter the bloodstream faster. Modern practitioners often administer it on chakras, which are energy points throughout the body. Next, a practitioner will use a burning stick to create a number of small burns on the skin, resulting in blisters. The blistered skin is then scraped off, and the kambo is applied to the wounds.

Preparation For A Kambo Ceremony

To learn more about the benefits of kambo, visit the International Association of Kambo Practitioners’ website. For people living the San Francisco Bay area, we do offer kambo in a ceremonial setting, to gain the benefits of in a safe and intentional setting. If you don’t live in the Bay Area, we can point you toward a reputable practitioner in your region— contact us to learn more. A intense purging ceremony that’s not for the faint of heart, Kambo ceremonies have been increasing in popularity over the years. Fans of the ceremony claim a range of benefits from treating depression and PTSD to removing negative energy, and treating chronic pain and fertility problems. Kambo, also known as frog medicine, is not an easy or light form of healing to undertake, but proponents swear by it, often returning several times a year. While the experience is not for everyone, Kambo’s cleansing effects begin within minutes of administration, and it leaves most people feeling less pain in the days and weeks after treatment.